September 2024 Create More of What’s Working

When it comes to achieving success, many of us fall into the trap of constantly seeking out new strategies or reinventing the wheel. But what if the key to real progress is to simply create more of what’s already working? In today’s fast-paced world, we can easily overlook the things we’re already doing well in favor of chasing the next big thing. However, honing in on what’s yielding results and scaling those efforts can often lead to even greater success. Whether it’s a DIY project that’s resonating with your audience, a style of blog post that’s attracting traffic, or a particular product that’s flying off the virtual shelves, maximizing those winning formulas is where growth happens.

Instead of spreading yourself thin by exploring every possible avenue, take time to analyze what’s already moving the needle. Doubling down on those efforts not only allows for momentum but also builds confidence. Remember, sometimes the most effective strategy is not to create something entirely new, but to refine, repeat, and expand on the things that are already proving valuable. By focusing on what’s working, you can create more meaningful content, generate consistent income, and gain the freedom to experiment once you’ve built a solid foundation of success.

I’m so excited that you are choosing to join me in this new journey of content creation with purpose. Each month, you will find a dedication post on the blog that correlates with your Content Planner for Creatives. If you don’t already have yours, you can order it below from Amazon and have it in just a couple of short days.

Mindset Tip

Listen as we hear from Brendon Burchard how to create more on what is already working!

Podcast Episodes

Be sure to listen in to the following episodes to work on creating content. I hope you find them encouraging my friend!

Content Planning

General Content Topics

Use this monthly guide below as a starting point to think of content ideas for your social media posts, promotions, and blog posts.

Choose only the topics and ideas that are a good fit for your brand or your audience. Check for keywords on Pinterest and hashtags on Instagram to get the most from your topics.

Encouragement Emails

If you haven’t already, take some time and write out Encouragement Emails to yourself. One for each quarter left in the year should be scheduled to arrive in your inbox for April 29, July 29, and October 28.

Gmail can schedule the sending of your emails as can most platforms.

Acknowledge how far you’ve come in your business, and the progress you’ve made, mention milestones you want to reach, compliment your attributes, remind yourself why you are doing what you’re doing, and give yourself encouragement for the weeks ahead.

Use a kind tone in your email as if you are talking to a child. Be gentle, sweet, and tender with your words to yourself.

Whenever you’re ready:

#1 Grab Your Creatives on Fire™ Content Planner:

This is an invaluable tool for anyone who creates content online and wants to keep track and know exactly what you need to be doing on a daily basis to make it happen.

#2 Learn How to Start a Blog:

You’re just one step away from making REAL money from a blog. Blog Kickstart is waiting for you… are you ready?

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