
Friday Fire Bonus: Threads App

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30 million downloads in 16 hours. No, I’m not talking about my latest reel…I wish. I’m talking about the new Threads app. It’s the Twitter alternative hosted by Instagram and we’re going to dive into all things Threads app on this Friday. Fire. 

Love it or hate it, we have a brand new app in the house and it is called Threads. I’m telling you guys, I have downloaded it myself and I am absolutely so pumped about using it. I’m going to let Adam Mosseri Head of Instagram share with you a little snippet about what he says this new app is all about.

“Threads. A new app from Instagram is here. Threads is for public conversation. We’re hoping to bring some of what we’ve built for photos and videos on Instagram to Threads with text. Now the idea there’s an amazing community on Instagram and wonderful creators. We want to create a space where they can engage in public conversations that is friendly and that is open. So we’re going to bring a lot of the good tools from Instagram to Threads. Things like Words and Restrict which allow you to shape the experience and just be a little bit more friendly. Guidelines and over time, more features around recommendations and trends. We’re also working to integrate the Activity Pub protocol, which is some technology that’s behind the Mastodon server and network, which is a decentralized social network. Now, you might be wondering why that matters. Well, if you’re a creator, you should own your audience and integrating into this protocol should allow us to enable you to take your followers with you to another server or app should you so choose in the future. And we think that that would be incredibly important to offer the creator community that’s all working on that and a number of other features to try to improve Threads as quickly as we can. Let me know what you think down below in the comments and what features you’d like to see. There’s a lot more to come in this year. Thanks so much.”

Adam mosseri

Listen in as we:

  • Hear from Adam Mousseri, the CEO of Instagram as he weighs in on the purpose of this new app.
  • Determine how to best use this new platform for our business, or not…

Links and resources mentioned during this episode:


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