
21 Creative Ways to Collaborate for Success

Recently, I was a guest speaker at the Haven Conference for bloggers in Altlanta, GA. My class was about growing an audience online which was easy for me since that is what I share each week on my Creatives on Fire podcast.

Needless to say, I came back from the conference full of excitement, super inspired, and with lots of new friends!

The bottom line is that face-to-face networking is priceless. Whenever possible it is so much better to meet people in person; however, it is not always feasible.

That is why I put on my thinking cap and came up with these other 21 creative ways to collaborate for success!

Be sure to PIN this one for future reference!

21 Creative Ways to Collaborate

  1. Co-author an ebook
  2. Review each other’s business
  3. Blog post series
  4. Go LIVE online with another creative
  5. Shared giveaway
  6. Co-create printables
  7. Networking groups
  8. Blog roundup
  9. Bundle products
  10. Affiliate with another business
  11. Co-host a podcast
  12. Mastermind groups
  13. Video reviews
  14. Co-host a challenge
  15. Host virtual office hours
  16. Co-admin a community
  17. Create a group board on Pinterest
  18. Co-host a webinar
  19. Co-create an app or tool
  20. Share blog post links
  21. Co-creat a course or workshop
Thistlewood Mastermind Group at Haven Conference in 2021

Have you checked out the Creatives on Fire Podcast yet?

It is a helpful, online space where creative business owners can listen in each week to grow their businesses.

What are some Creative Ways to Collaborate?

Opportunities to collaborate with others are all around us. These are a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing.

Most of these ideas for collaborating can be done with as little as two people. But in the world of collaborating, the rule is always the more, the merrier.

1. Co-Author an eBook

They say two heads are better than one. Each person can write half the book using their own expertise and split the profits.

Read about Best Tips for Creating and Publishing your Own eBook HERE.

2. Review Each Other’s Business

Take turns doing a video testimonial for one another’s business and post it on social media and websites.

3. Blog Post Series

Do a blog post series together with another blogger. Each week share one of each other’s blog posts on social and inside your own post in a series of posts that are similar.

4. Go LIVE online with another Creative

Choose a time and go LIVE then have another collaborator pop into the video with you! Return the favor on their platform.

5. Shared Giveaway

This is one where more is definitely better. The more collaborators that participate in the prizes of a giveaway, the more of a success it will be.

6. Co-Create Printables

Each person creates two printables a month and then cross-promote them on each other’s websites.

7. Networking Groups

Pick a few groups in your niche and get active. Answer questions you know the answer to and be helpful without expectations. Meet new friends and start collaborating.

8. Blog Roundup

Gather blog posts from great blogs that are on a single topic and create a “roundup” blog post of them. Get permission to use photos and credit original poster.

9. Bundle Products

Find someone with a complementary product to yours and collaborate by bundling them at a small discount to each other’s audiences.

10. Affiliate with Another Business

Choose a product that works well for your niche and promote it to your audience for another business with an affiliate code Have them reciprocate with one of your products.

11. Co-host a Podcast

Start a podcast with a fellow creative business owner. Alternatively, ask to be a regular guest on someone else’s podcast in your same niche.

12. Mastermind Groups

Create or join an existing mastermind group with other business owners in your niche. Brainstorm new ideas and collaborate regularly.

13. Video Reviews

Record a video testimonial about how amazing your fellow business owner’s business is. Ask them to reciprocate for you and share on all social media.

14. Co-host a Challenge

Do a three-day or seven-day challenge with another creative business owner. Share your expertise with each other’s audiences.

15. Host Virtual Office Hours

Stay accountable with each other by hosting regular office hours via video calls where you can work behind the scenes at a dedicated time.

16. Co-Admin a Community

Share a community with someone in your niche that fills a specific need for both audiences.

17. Create a Group Board on Pinterest

Take turns pinning each other’s content on a regular basis. Grow together.

18. Co-host a Webinar

Pick an educational topic that you and another creative can both teach on a webinar together and then share the growth or income if it’s a paid webinar.

19. Co-Create an App or Tool

Fill a need or solve a problem for both of your audiences by creating an app or tool with another business owner.

20. Share Blog Post Links

When it makes sense, share the link to a fellow business owner’s blog post that you know will be of value to your readers. Reach out to them, tell them about your post and ask if they would like to reciprocate by sharing your link on their post.

21. Co-Create a Course or Workshop

Piggyback on each other’s talents by co-authoring a course or co-hosting a workshop with another creative. Together you can provide your students with more value for their investment.

More Unique Ways to Collaborate

These are just a few ideas of ways to collaborate in order to grow your audience and ultimately your business. Get creative and join forces with others in your niche and watch your numbers climb! 

I cannot wait to hear your ideas and the ways that you have been able to gather with others to grow each other’s businesses. Leave your ideas and tips in the comments below.

Listen to my interview with Kristin Stockdale, owner of the Haven Conference HERE.

Kristin Stockdale

Whenever you’re ready:

#1 Grab Your Creatives on Fire™ Content Planner:

This is an invaluable tool for anyone who creates content online and wants to keep track and know exactly what you need to be doing on a daily basis to make it happen.

#2 Learn How to Start a Blog:

You’re just one step away from making REAL money from a blog. Blog Kickstart is waiting for you… are you ready?

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