
40 | How to Make Money from Thrifting with Gwen Hefner

How do you make a business successful and grow your following to over 6 figures? Love what you do and stay true to yourself. Today I’m speaking with The Makerista, Gwen Hefner. She has some advice to share with us about how she started and grew her blog and how she was able to monetize her following. Gwen talks about how she transitioned from craft blogging to home décor, securing sponsorships, and learning to take breaks when you need them.

In this episode, we cover:

– Connecting with blog writers

– Pivoting your blog while staying true to yourself

– Growing a following organically

– Using sponsorships to fund your dream projects

– How thrifting can help create a unique home that reflects YOU

– Putting your family first when you’re growing your business

– Taking a break and coming back to your followers

– Creating a community to share your triumphs

– Thrift Club’s trip to Provence, France



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#1 Grab Your Creatives on Fire™ Content Planner:

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#2 Learn How to Start a Blog:

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