
158 | Fourth Quarter Prep School: Get Ready to Crush Q4

Welcome back to the podcast, and welcome to what I’m calling “Fourth Quarter Prep School.” This episode is all about getting you ready for the busiest, most lucrative time of the year—without the last-minute panic. I know I needed this prep just as much as you do, so let’s dive into five key areas you should focus on right now to ensure an amazing fourth quarter.

1. Audit Your Social Media and Blog Site

First things first, let’s talk about a social media and blog site audit. I know it sounds like common sense, but how often do we actually do it? The seasons are coming at us fast—Halloween, fall, and even Christmas are already making appearances in stores. Now is the time to make sure your site and profiles are ready to reflect the seasonal rush. Update your profile pics, banners, and links. Make sure everything is current and points to the right places. Consider adding a seasonal freebie to your homepage or using a tool like MiloTree to capture emails with a pop-up. And don’t forget your Instagram highlights—bring those fall and Christmas bubbles to the forefront!

2. Cut Costs and Reinvest

Next up, it’s time to cut costs. Look at your monthly tools and subscriptions—are you using them all? If not, it’s time to say goodbye, at least for the next quarter. Add up the savings and reinvest that money into something that will actually make you money, like ads for your digital products or a giveaway to collect more email subscribers. Even a small budget can go a long way in getting your content in front of more eyes this holiday season.

3. Start Emailing Now

If you haven’t already started emailing your list regularly, now is the time. You don’t want to wait until the last minute and come across as spammy. Start warming up your audience by sharing old content, new content, or even other people’s content if you’re short on your own. The key is to stay in touch. Also, go ahead and draft your 12 weeks of fourth-quarter email subject lines now. This way, when it’s time to hit send, half the work is already done.

4. Decide on Your Fourth Quarter Commitments

Decide right now what you’re going to participate in this fourth quarter. Whether it’s a summit, a bundle, or a collaboration, make those decisions now so you’re not overwhelmed later. And if you’re looking for new ideas or collaborations, consider attending a conference like Achieve. It’s a great way to get inspired, find new tools, and connect with other creators before the holiday rush.

5. Optimize Your Affiliate Strategy

If you’re an affiliate marketer, this step is crucial. Double-check your top-performing links from last year—make sure they’re still in stock, the companies are still in business, and the links work. Choose your top 1-3 products to focus on and become known for. Consider creating a Christmas market on your blog—a one-stop shop for all your best recommendations. You can also create an idea list on Amazon or a collection on LTK to make it easy for your audience to shop all your picks.

I hope these tips help you get your business ready for an amazing fourth quarter. Take some time this week to knock out these tasks and set yourself up for success. Until next time, stay creative!

Links and resources mentioned during this episode:

Whenever you’re ready:

#1 Grab Your Creatives on Fire™ Content Planner:

This is an invaluable tool for anyone who creates content online and wants to keep track and know exactly what you need to be doing on a daily basis to make it happen.

#2 Learn How to Start a Blog:

You’re just one step away from making REAL money from a blog. Blog Kickstart is waiting for you… are you ready?

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