
26 | Etsy Success with Lauren Kilgore

Are you an Etsy enthusiast, but don’t know where to start when it comes to creating an online shop? My guest, Lauren Kilgore can help you with that. She’s an Etsy guru that loves to help others achieve their own success by teaching in her private Facebook group and creating courses. Today, Lauren tells us how to find out what your audience is interested in and why Etsy is the best place to start selling your handmade goods. She also shares the story of how she got started and some great tips on how to get more followers and sell more merchandise!

In 2014, Lauren Kilgore started creating beautiful handmade wreaths as a creative outlet and a modest side hustle. To increase her sales and followers, Lauren did her research, invested in business coaches, and applied her knowledge of accounting. Now, seven years later Lauren is known as an Etsy expert by the Creative community! Lauren shares her expertise through the Handmade Sellers University, featuring two flagship courses that she created and designed specifically for Etsy beginners and intermediates. The University also offers courses in creating Pinterest pins and SEO to increase traffic to your Etsy shop.

In this episode, we cover:

– How to grow an audience through consistency

– Creating content people REALLY want to see

– Why Lauren created the Handmade Sellers University

– How Facebook Live can increase your Etsy sales

– The benefits of joining Etsy vs. trying to sell on your own

Links and resources mentioned during this episode:


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#2 Learn How to Start a Blog:

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