
9 | How Filling in the Blanks Will Fill up Your Audience with Tamara Bennett

Get to know your ideal follower and what their struggle is!

That’s just ONE of the amazing golden nuggets Tamara Benett is sharing with us today. By getting inside your customers mind, you can fill in the blanks and solve their problems. This will keep them coming back to you as the person who is always two steps ahead and who will move them forward in their journey.

Tamara is a Marine wife, mother of three, crafter and creative entrepreneur. She started her business, Southern Addornments Decor, while her husband was on deployment in Afghanistan.

She’s had the privilege to teach over 2,000 people every month how to paint door hangers and turn that hobby into a business. She loves helping others improve their painting skills, but most importantly their confidence in themselves!

In this episode, we cover:

  • Tamara’s business journey and what inspired her to create her business
  • Attracting your audience and building your business by solving their struggles
  • How to engage your audience and help them feel seen and heard
  • Providing value to your audience, consistently
  • and, monetizing your business while building trust with your following

Links and resources mentioned during this episode:


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