
91 | Social Media Scoop with Melanie Ferguson

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In this week’s episode, Melanie Ferguson takes a deep dive into the ever-evolving world of social media. With a focus on keeping things simple and informative, Melanie provides her insights on various platforms she uses. Welcome to the latest episode of Creatives on Fire!

Listen in as she shares with us all about:

  • AI Melanie sheds light on artificial intelligence (AI) and its significance in various industries today. AI might sound daunting, but Melanie assures listeners that it can be a game-changer when used correctly. She shares her personal use cases, leveraging tools like Chat GPT to ask AI questions and Jasper to ensure the responses sound more human-like. The key takeaway is to ask the right questions and personalize AI to align with your brand voice. (100+ FREE Blogger AI Prompts) https://view.flodesk.com/pages/6463a4898c07c88f2e3a7dce
  • Amazon Next on the agenda is Amazon, a powerhouse platform that Melanie believes everyone should consider. She emphasizes the immense potential Amazon offers in building an audience and promoting everyday products. Melanie discusses Amazon’s latest feature, Inspire, which allows users to go live and create vertical videos. By uploading videos showcasing products, content creators can earn commissions. Optimizing storefronts and leveraging Amazon’s broad reach can be a significant boost to audience growth and monetization efforts.
  • Facebook Melanie shifts the focus to Facebook, a platform familiar to most listeners. She highlights recent changes that have transformed the platform’s dynamics. Reels, in particular, have gained significant traction and are favored by Facebook’s algorithm, making them a valuable tool for growth. Melanie notes that live videos tend to perform better in Facebook groups than on pages. Additionally, stories are an effective way to reach a wider audience. By treating stories as mini-live videos and incorporating Reels, content creators can maximize their impact on Facebook.
  • Instagram a platform beloved by many creatives, takes the spotlight in this segment. Melanie explores the multifaceted features Instagram offers, including carousel video posts, Reels, and live videos. She emphasizes the importance of optimizing Instagram bios and mentions the option to include multiple links. Melanie personally recommends guiding users to a single link for a better user experience. However, she acknowledges alternative options like Linktree or a dedicated blog page. It’s all about finding the approach that aligns with your goals.
  • Lemon8 Introducing a relatively new platform called Lemon8, Melanie acknowledges that it might not be on everyone’s radar. However, she suggests reserving a presence on the platform by securing a username. Lemon8 combines elements of Instagram and TikTok, offering a clean interface with fewer ads. While Melanie acknowledges that investing time and effort into this platform may not be necessary, she highlights the value of claiming one’s identity for potential future use.
  • Pinterest Melanie shares her excitement about the recent changes on Pinterest. With the introduction of videos with the ability to link out of the platform, Pinterest has become an invaluable traffic source. She encourages content creators to optimize their boards with compelling titles and strong SEO practices. By leveraging Pinterest’s capabilities, such as pinning Facebook Lives, Reels, and other URLs, users can drive significant traffic to their content.
  • TikTok Melanie briefly touches on TikTok, acknowledging that while many content creators dedicate substantial effort to the platform, its future remains uncertain. She advises having a backup plan for capturing leads outside the platform and mentions the option of automatically cross-posting Reels from Instagram to maintain a TikTok presence.
  • YouTube Melanie highlights YouTube as a “sleeping giant” with tremendous monetization potential beyond ad revenue. She urges content creators not to rely solely on monetization but to explore other income streams such as selling products, courses, or affiliate marketing. With the introduction of vertical videos and the importance of capturing viewers’ attention with teasers, Melanie stresses the significance of YouTube as a platform for content distribution and revenue generation.

Links and resources mentioned during this episode:


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