
126 | How to Keep Focused: 5 Simple Steps to Stay on Track

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Welcome to this week’s podcast episode, which is for anyone looking to Keep Focused with 5 Simple Steps to Stay on Track. If you’re tired of the same old results and ready for growth – in your following, income, influence, or impact – you’ve come to the right place. Let’s not let another year slip by without significant progress!

This blog post contains affiliate links. The opinions are wholly my own from my own experience. I may earn a small commission from clicks through to the websites that end in a purchase.

1. Choose a Primary Social Platform

In a world overflowing with social media platforms, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. The solution? Pick one primary platform for your business. Focus on mastering and growing this platform, and use tools like Streamyard and Repurpose IO to manage and distribute content efficiently. Remember, it’s about quality, not quantity.

2. Blog with a Purpose

Your blog can be a powerhouse for driving traffic and generating revenue. Start each piece of content with your blog in mind. Whether it’s embedding affiliate links or directing traffic from social media, make your blog the hub of your online presence. This approach will streamline your content strategy and boost your ad revenue.

3. Sell Something

This year, make a point to sell. Whether it’s products, services, or ideas, having something for sale is crucial. Check out my list of 61 Ideas for things you could sell to your audience, a vital resource for anyone looking to monetize their platform.

4. Grow Your Email List

An email list is a goldmine for personalized marketing and direct audience engagement. Learn from experts, and utilize our tips for making your emails more enticing and effective. Remember, your email list is a direct line to your audience – make the most of it.

5. Promote and Market Relentlessly

Lastly, don’t forget the importance of self-promotion and marketing. Whether it’s leveraging Pinterest or other platforms, ensure that you’re constantly putting your content and products in front of eyes. Consistent promotion is key to growing your online presence.

As we navigate the third week of 2024, remember these five simple steps to stay focused and on track. From choosing a primary social platform to relentless promotion, each step is designed to help you grow and thrive in the digital world. Here’s to a productive and successful year ahead! Stay creative my friend, and see you in the next episode.

My Pinterest Essential Plan

  • Clean up my profile, inactive boards, inactive group boards.
  • Use ChatGPT to create solid seo descriptions for my boards (SEE FULL BLOG POST including prompts HERE)
  • Create a manual pinning schedule that comprises a mix of content links to include my past popular seasonal blog posts, my new blog posts, video content, social content, and my affiliate links.

Links and resources mentioned during this episode:


I am honored to share a new Blogging Creative on Fire each week on the podcast to bring you inspiration, behind-the-scenes secrets, and quality tips. I hope it is truly helpful for you. One of the best ways you can bless me in return is to subscribe to the show and leave a review. By subscribing, you allow each episode to be downloaded straight to your phone which helps the download numbers and ensures you never miss an episode. And when you leave a review, you help show others the value of what we provide! You can GO HERE to subscribe and review!

Whenever you’re ready:

#1 Grab Your Creatives on Fire™ Content Planner:

This is an invaluable tool for anyone who creates content online and wants to keep track and know exactly what you need to be doing on a daily basis to make it happen.

#2 Learn How to Start a Blog:

You’re just one step away from making REAL money from a blog. Blog Kickstart is waiting for you… are you ready?

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